- Assemblies are linked to SEAL behaviours for learning e.g respect, independence, empathy
- Sharing children’s work with other classes, in assembly and on Social Media
- Peer assess and support
- Assemblies linked to special days- Divali, St George’s Day, Multicultural links, diversity.
- E safety links throughout the curriculum and in assemblies.
- Safety teaching and learning icl: water safety, RNLI, firework, stranger, electricity, sun and road.
- Our school’s key values are displayed in classes and referred to: empathy, confidence, resilience, respect, positivity, independence
- respectful, positive, motivated, aware.
- SEAL displays throughout the school
- Links with local church - regular assemblies given by Reverent Stokes. Other faiths invited to teach us.
- Y3 church visit and visit to Norwich cathedral
- Music concert performed at the church and local retirement home.
- RE is delivered throughout the school- Christianity, Hinduism and Islam focused on, with Buddhism, Judaism, and Sikhism also touched on (see Curriculum map for specific teaching).
- Non-religious world views discussed
- Regular links with the local feeder schools to help children to adapt to different social contexts.
- Watch the Y2 Christmas play
- Nurturing approach in school helps to be aware of other children and how to respect and tolerate others.
- Sprowston Library work displays
- Visits to the local library throughout the year
- Community events e.g tournaments/maths challenges/book signings/F1 competition
- Hive focus- building of social skills with in different settings.
- Focus on current issues and how they effect us e.g the plastics in the sea issue inspired the cluster
- Y5 Redwings charity fundraising
- Comic Relief/Children in Need fundraising
- Links with SIS and SCA
- Swimming at SCA
- Sharing work with SIS and SCA
- Transition activities with all feeder schools
- Singing together
- Signing choir performances
- Working across year groups
- Year group assemblies - sharing work, showing talents, individual/group presentations.
- Special person/Star of the week/Book worm/lunchtime awards/FGF/ children voting on Star of the week/Worker of the week
- Philosophy focus - diversity/changes/responsibilities
- Multicultural special weeks. Diwali, Pancake day, Lent, Henna. Syrian fundraising
- Fund-raising for our Library
- Celebrating World Book Day
- Food tasting/ appreciation of other people’s lives. Hindu food tasting/Islam cooking
- School Council meetings
- Democratic work with in classes and the whole school. Chloe Smith visit. Writing to Parliament.
- Current affairs debates
- Photos of children working and playing together
- Maths Monkey - ‘real’ maths homework
- Dancing experiences across many cultures
- Anti bullying week
- RSE activities to develop respect and an understanding of difference.
- Cafés for parents
- Links with Racecourse Primary School, our British Council partner school in Nairobi, Kenya