SJS Weekly News
Please see the latest weekly news below:
Please see the latest weekly news below:
The children enjoyed being part of a major artistic response to the Covid outbreak.
Year 4 enjoyed a brilliant Ancient Egypt Day on November 26th.
Please click on the link below to read the weekly news:
Into Opera Song Cycle
Whilst we were not able to support Children In Need in quite the same way as usual, the children were able to wear non-school uniform and participate in a variety of competitions. In year groups, there were some fun activities too, such as dancing and other active games.
Please click on the link for the weekly update:
Half-term Update
8 Week Plan - Newsletter
Please see the following information regarding our Open Afternoons. We are sorry that we are not able to have visitors during the school day at this time but look forward to showing Year 2 parents/carers around the school at the end of the school day.