Shakespeare Day
Shakespeare Day
We enjoyed our first ever 'Shakespeare Day' and it was lovely to see some of the wonderful costumes. The day was full of enjoyable activities, including Year 5 & 6 watching Midsummer Night's Dream and Year 3 & 4 watching the BBC children's version of the same play. Other activities included colouring in crowns and masks as well as learning some Shakesperean Insults!
Here's what a few of the children thought about the day:
Eshaal (Yr 6) - I enjoyed watching Midsummer Night's Dream. My favourite part was watching Puck the fairy.
Sam (Yr 6) - My favourite part was when they were all under the spell (magical love potion) and were being very silly.
Macie (Yr 4) - I liked how they had the backstage pirates performing!