TT Rock Stars
This programme is especially important for our Year 4 children to build the fluency of knowing their times tables! It has been really great to see how some of our Year 4 children have made so much progress by playing a game! We set a battle each week, and the top 3 players from each team Ran or Worth can get a certificate.
We set a session which they have to complete before they can do other areas. This is decided so that they can work on the areas most needed. Gigs help me have an understanding of which timetables they know. Sound checks resemble the test that they w4ill sit in June. Studio helps their speed and gets their rock status. Still, at this point in time the most important factor is completing the heat maps and working in the Garage. TT Rockstars suggests
3 sound checks
18 garages per week to secure their knowledge of the times tables.
Although we focus on spellings during our SPaG sessions and practise throughout the week, please can children also be practising their spellings each week at home too.
We are going to work on some of the spellings we may have missed as well as the weekly spellings we are covering in the Rwi spelling sessions.