Curriculum Overview
Literacy: This half-term we will be focusing an Francesca Sanna's 'The Journey' which will invite our children to use their imaginations and explore how life can be for a refugee. This will be followed with a unit of work based on Shakepseare's Macbeth.
Maths – We will continue with decimals and percentages before moving on to area, perimeter and statistics. Wherever possible, please encourage your child to practise their multiplication tables and number bonds so they have fast and accurate mental recall. You can find more information on how to support your child in the 'Help with maths' section on our school website.
Science – We will be continuing with our topic 'Earth and Space'. We then focus on Animals including humans and looking at the journey of life.
History/Geography – We continue with our history topic on the Vikings and the Normans, moving onto a unit of work based in Mexico which will have a geographical focus.
Art/DT - This term we will be exploring the work of artist Georgia O‘Keefe. This will be followed by an exciting food technology unit which will have us visiting the kitchen lots over the course of the final part of the year.
PE – PE will continue with both classes having PE on Tuesday afternoons. Some children will continue swimming with their last session being on the 23rd May. This term the PE focus will be on athletics, cricket and outdoor adventurous activities (OAA). Please ensure your child has the correct and appropriate clothing for these sessions.