The half-term after Christmas is always a quick one, and we reach the half-way point in the school calendar. We will hopefully be able to look forward to a brighter and more consistent second half of the year and with possible changes to isolation rules afoot, attendance will hopefully be on the rise again which will have benefits for all the pupils.
After half-term, a mid-term report will be sent home which gives you information about how your child has done over the first part of the school year. This forms part of our feedback cycle to parents and is a helpful start to the conversation at parents' evening.
I've been in lots of lessons this week, seeing children working hard across the school. I enjoyed seeing 5B present their business model to me 'apprentice' style and I'm sure we have lots of budding business men and women amongst them! It was lovely to see their enthusiasm for the project and I've ordered my copy!
I also spent time in Year 3 seeing them putting their wormeries together (they look great!) as well as watching them work together on a shared pieced of writing.
Year 4 have been busy in the art studio this week adding to their Rousseaux art. They have added some wonderful tigers to their colourful backgrounds.
In Year 6, it was wonderful to see the concentration on their hot writing task. It was absolutely fabulous (you could hear a pin drop) and they are working hard to up-level and improve their writing skills.
Lastly, a well done to the Year 6 children who led assemblies across the school to raise awareness of Children's Mental Health Week. A good experience for them.
Have a good half-term.
Kind regards
Matt Walton, Headteacher