Our Autumn Curriculum
Literacy - we begin with a poetry unit for two weeks followed by a longer unit based on Michael Morpurgo's novel, The Butterfly Lion.
Maths - place value underpins all mathematical processes. After a short burst of place value work, we will begin looking at the formal methods of calculation for the four operations.
Science - our first science topic is 'Forces'. We will look at air resistance, water resistance and of course conduct some experiments around gravity. After October half term we learn about states of matter, and how they can change.
Geography - the globe is covered in mountainous regions. In our first geography unit we travel the world to learn about how mountains are formed, where they are found and why people are inspired to climb them.
History - After October half term we switch from Geography to History and begin our topic learning about the Anglo Saxons.
R.W.E - in Religious and Worldviews Eductation we cover two topics in year 5; alternating between Islam and Christianity for the entirety of the year. We begin with Islam by looking at the five pillars.
Art - we explore the work of George Seurat and Pointillism. After this unit we will complete a drawing unit looking at perception.
Computing - Internet Safety is so important, especially with social media and online gaming being so popular. We teach the children how to remain safe online, and use the Internet appropriately for their age group. We will also complete a unit of physical coding using mini computers called Micro:Bits.
Music - our new music scheme 'Music Express' is set to give us far greater coverage of the music curriculum, exposing the children to a wide variety of musical genres, heritage and movements. Lots of singing and performing too, of course!
French - Mrs Blazer will teach the children how to greet each other and how to pronounce and talk about school subjects in French.
More info on our curriculum can be found of the school website.