Our Spring Curriculum
Literacy - The children have been enjoying Skellig, and we are continuing with this book for another few weeks. After that, we will be looking at a picture book called 'The Journey'. It is about a family of refugees, and often provokes meaningful and emotional conversations.
Maths - We will begin with a recap of the four operations, before moving onto fractions. Fractions can be an area which causes confusion with children, however we will be using lots of visual and physical resources to help us learn.
Science - We will continue to explore materials and their properties, and look at how materials can change state. We will then begin our Space topic - this is always a favourite!!
History - The children have been enjoying learning about the Anglo-Saxons and have really developed their interest in this period of history. Our next unit, The Vikings, follows on from the Saxons on the historical timeline. The children are going to love the gruesome content!
R.W.E - We are turning our focus back to Islam during the first Spring half-term, looking at Muslim's beliefs on Akhirah - life after death.
DT - We have a very exciting brand-new topic to introduce to you. For the first half-term, we will be looking at the company Dyson and exploring some of their products. We will focus on their design techniques and even have the opportunity to look at and analyse some Dyson products. We can't wait for this one!!
Art - After our DT project, we will return to Art and be exploring the world of Pop Art, with a main focus on the work of Andy Warhol.
Computing - We will be delving into the world of computer systems and networks. Lots of technical vocabulary and skills will be learnt during this unit.
Music - Our two units during the Spring term are titled 'Life Cycles' and 'Keeping Healthy'. During these units, children will be exposed to contemporary music from the 19th century, and look into the Baroque period of opera.
French - Mrs Blazer will teach the children about French foods and towns.
More information on our curriculum can be found on the school website.