Harvey Abrey - 5B
After reading all about the refugees in Year 5s English lessons, Harvey decided he wanted to do something personally to help. He raided his own savings and bought a t-shirt (charity donations paid) and some water-proof tents. An amazing act of kindness!
Summer Term Clubs
Clubs will start in the week beginning April 19th. Unfortunately we are limited and have to keep to 'bubble' clubs at this time. Please look out for the clubs letter next week and sign-up using the link.
Mrs Harrison
We look forward to welcoming Mrs Harrison back after her maternity leave. She will be teaching in Year 5, alongside Mrs Heed after the Easter holidays.
New staff
We are pleased to welcome Mrs Jefferies and Miss Wright to our Teaching Assistant team. Miss Jefferies is working in Year 5 and Miss Wright in Year 6.
Sumdog Star!
Well done to Marleigh (5B) who came 1st place in the recent Sumdog competition in the whole county!