Our Spring Curriculum
Literacy - The children have really enjoyed learning all about Ernest Shackleton and his journey on Endurance to Antarctica. The children produced some fantastically detailed newspaper reports and worked hard on their formal writing styles. We hope that you enjoyed our Reading Cafe, thank you again to everyone who came. This term we will be reading and writing some super suspense stories based on the text, 'Skellig'.
Maths - We will begin with a recap of additional and subtraction before moving on to explore multiplication and division. After that, we will continue with our work on fractions. Fractions can be an area which causes confusion with children, however we will continue to use lots of visual and physical resources to help us learn. After this, we will be focusing on formal written methods for multiplication and division.
Science - We will continue to explore materials and their properties, and look at how materials can change state. We will then begin our Space topic - this is always a favourite!
History - We begin our studies on The Anglo-Saxons and Vikings before moving on in history to The Normans. The children are going to love the gruesome content!
R.W.E - We are turning our focus back to Islam during the first Spring half-term, looking at Muslim's beliefs on Akhirah - life after death.
DT - This year we have decided to enter the 'If I Were An Engineer' competition. Children will meet an engineer who will be talking to them about how new ideas are created. They will then be challenged to invent a new product which will be entered into a national competition.
Art - After our DT project, we will return to Art and be exploring the Bayeux Tapestry and creating our very own versions.
Computing - We will be learning about stop-motion. From early flicker books and zoetropes to Wallace and Gromit! We will be wiritng and producing our very own stop-motion animation.
Music - Our two units during the Spring term are titled 'Solar Systems' and 'Life Cycles'. During these units, children will get to perform a song with expression with attention to tone and phrasing, as well as learn about the sound of the whole tone scale.
French - Mrs Blazer will teach the children about French foods and towns.
More information on our curriculum can be found on the school website.