Dear Parents & Carers
It's been a busy couple of weeks with a number of lovely events, and it is time for a quick break before the spring term continues.
Hopefully you will now already be sorted for parents' evening when we return, but if you aren't, and you have any problems, please speak to the school office who will sort any issues out for you.
We were delighted to see the girls' football team winning their cup game this week and look forward to the next round of the competition. The girls were thrilled with the victory and showed excellent team work in winning the tie.
Earlier this week, we recognised Internet Safety Day and a lot of the children watched a live lesson from the BBC. Throughout the year, we cover e-Safety a considerable amount. It is important the children are confident users of computers, but also knowledgable about what to do when things do not seem right.
After half-term we have 'Book Week' fast approaching and we look forward to the different activities. The dressing up this year is to dress as a 'word' of your choice, so hopefully this is a simple idea but allows everyone to be as creative as they would like to be!
Wishing everyone a lovely half-term.
Kind regards
Matt Walton, Headteacher