Curriculum Overview
Last term in literacy, we enjoyed reading ‘Gobbolino’ and completing lots of activities linked to this text. This term we are starting off with the non-fiction text ‘Our Planet’ which is part of the David Attenborough series.
In maths, we will continue with our curriculum, this includes new topics not yet covered but also revisiting and revising topics we have already covered. Also, as I am sure you are all aware of, the children have their times table check in June, so any extra practise will benefit the children greatly!
In theme, we will continue work on The Romans (we are also looking forward to our trip to Norwich Castle linked to this topic). so far, we have been very impressed by the enthusiasm and knowledge shown by the year group!
In science, we will be moving onto habitats, looking and exploring around our wonderful school and the local area In PE will be starting off with some athletics!
Lastly, we have lots of exciting Opera workshops and lessons to look forward to this term! We finish the term with, what we’re sure will be, amazing final performances – a busy term to look forward to!